Who we are

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We are a small, no-kill shelter for cats located in the Jamaica Plain area of Boston.  We also have a network of dedicated foster homes.  We rescue homeless cats and address their medical and behavioral issues, with the goal of finding them loving forever homes.

Second Chance believes that our commitment to our cats doesn’t end at adoption day. We stay in contact with the adoptive family and even make house calls if needed. We offer support and education to assure that both humans and felines live their best lives together. Forever families know that they can contact us years after adoption and we will do whatever we can to be of assistance.

Second Chance also makes themselves available to the community at large. When a stay cat is found in the neighborhood, we offer to scan the cat to determine if they have a microchip. We are often contacted about trapping stray cats, and we offer information and support, in addition to providing referrals to other agencies if appropriate.

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Over 800,000 cats are euthanized in shelters in the US each year. This number doesn’t take into account the number of cats and kittens who live brutal, short lives on the streets. Second Chance believes each and every one of these cats deserve to live and thrive in a safe, loving environment, and we dedicate ourselves to fulfill this promise to every cat that comes to us.